Act 238 of 1879 - PROTECTION OF LOGS AND TIMBER (426.151 - 426.160)
- Section 426.151 - Logs; unlawful moving.
- Section 426.152 - Logs; unlawful destruction or alteration of marks.
- Section 426.153 - Logs; unlawful marking.
- Section 426.154 - Violation of act; penalty.
- Section 426.155 - Reception into booms or manufacture of logs without consent of owner; misdemeanor.
- Section 426.156 - Booming, manufacture, destruction or insertion of marks without consent of owner; civil liability.
- Section 426.157 - Prosecutions; allegations, evidence.
- Section 426.158 - Right to search for and examine logs; penalty for obstruction.
- Section 426.159 - Inapplicability of act.
- Section 426.160 - Logs, timber, boards, planks, spars, boomsticks, spiles, shinglebolts, railroad ties, or fence posts; removal from island, bank, shore, or land; damages; arbitration; judgment; appea