Section 418.335 - Cessation of payments upon remarriage of dependent wife or upon dependent person reaching certain age; reinstatement of dependency; persons to whom section applicable.

Act 317 of 1969

418.335 Cessation of payments upon remarriage of dependent wife or upon dependent person reaching certain age; reinstatement of dependency; persons to whom section applicable.

Sec. 335.

(1) Upon the remarriage of a dependent wife receiving compensation, such payments shall cease upon the payment to her of the balance of the compensation to which she would otherwise have been entitled but not to exceed the sum of $500.00, and further compensation, if any, shall be payable to the person either wholly or partially dependent upon deceased for support at his death as provided in section 331(b). A worker's compensation magistrate shall determine the amount of compensation or portion thereof that shall be payable weekly to such wholly or partially dependent person for the remaining weeks of compensation. Where, at the expiration of the 500-week period, any such wholly or partially dependent person is less than 18 years of age, a worker's compensation magistrate may order the employer to continue to pay the weekly compensation, or some portion thereof, until such wholly or partially dependent person reaches the age of 18. The payment of compensation to any dependent child shall cease when the child reaches the age of 18 years, if at the age of 18 years he or she is neither physically nor mentally incapacitated from earning, or when the child reaches the age of 16 years and thereafter is self-supporting for 6 months. If the child ceases to be self-supporting thereafter, the dependency shall be reinstated. Such remaining compensation, if any, shall be payable to the person either wholly or partially dependent upon the deceased employee for support at the time of the employee's death, as provided in the case of the remarriage of a dependent wife.

(2) This section shall apply to all persons who are entitled to receive compensation or are receiving compensation under this act on July 30, 1985 and who have not attained the age of 18 years on July 30, 1985.

History: 1969, Act 317, Eff. Dec. 31, 1969 ;-- Am. 1985, Act 103, Imd. Eff. July 30, 1985 ;-- Am. 1994, Act 271, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1994
Compiler's Notes: For legislative intent as to severability, see Compiler's note to MCL 418.213.
Popular Name: Act 317
Popular Name: Heart and Lung Act