Section 388.1611a - School aid stabilization fund; creation; deposit; expenditure; investment; money remaining at close of fiscal year; shortfall; full funding.

Act 94 of 1979

***** 388.1611a THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2010: See 388.1611a.amended *****

388.1611a School aid stabilization fund; creation; deposit; expenditure; investment; money remaining at close of fiscal year; shortfall; full funding.

Sec. 11a.

(1) The school aid stabilization fund is created as a separate account within the state school aid fund established by section 11 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.

(2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from any source for deposit into the school aid stabilization fund. The state treasurer shall deposit into the school aid stabilization fund all of the following:

(a) Unexpended and unencumbered state school aid fund revenue for a fiscal year that remains in the state school aid fund as of the bookclosing for that fiscal year.

(b) Money statutorily dedicated to the school aid stabilization fund.

(c) Money appropriated to the school aid stabilization fund.

(3) Money available in the school aid stabilization fund may not be expended without a specific appropriation from the school aid stabilization fund. Money in the school aid stabilization fund shall be expended only for purposes for which state school aid fund money may be expended.

(4) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the school aid stabilization fund. The state treasurer shall credit to the school aid stabilization fund interest and earnings from fund investments.

(5) Money in the school aid stabilization fund at the close of a fiscal year shall remain in the school aid stabilization fund and shall not lapse to the unreserved school aid fund balance or the general fund.

(6) If the maximum amount appropriated under section 11 from the state school aid fund for a fiscal year exceeds the amount available for expenditure from the state school aid fund for that fiscal year, there is appropriated from the school aid stabilization fund to the state school aid fund an amount equal to the projected shortfall as determined by the department of treasury, but not to exceed available money in the school aid stabilization fund. If the money in the school aid stabilization fund is insufficient to fully fund an amount equal to the projected shortfall, the state budget director shall notify the legislature as required under section 11(3) and state payments in an amount equal to the remainder of the projected shortfall shall be prorated in the manner provided under section 11(4).

(7) For 2009-2010, there is appropriated from the school aid stabilization fund to the state school aid fund the amount necessary to fully fund the allocations under this act.

History: Add. 2003, Act 158, Eff. Oct. 1, 2003 ;-- Am. 2005, Act 98, Imd. Eff. July 22, 2005 ;-- Am. 2005, Act 155, Eff. Oct. 1, 2005 ;-- Am. 2006, Act 342, Eff. Oct. 1, 2006 ;-- Am. 2007, Act 137, Imd. Eff. Nov. 8, 2007 ;-- Am. 2008, Act 268, Eff. Oct. 1, 2008 ;-- Am. 2009, Act 121, Imd. Eff. Oct. 19, 2009
Compiler's Notes: Former MCL 388.1611a, which pertained to additional appropriations, was repealed by Act 300 of 1996, Eff. Oct. 1, 1996.Enacting section 1 of 2005 PA 98 provides:"Enacting section 1. In accordance with section 30 of article I of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending from state sources for fiscal year 2004-2005 in this amendatory act, 2004 PA 518, 2004 PA 351, and 2004 PA 185 is estimated at $11,113,522, 200.00 and state appropriations to be paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2004-2005 are estimated at $11,050,922,200.00."Enacting section 1 of 2005 PA 155 provides:"Enacting section 1. In accordance with section 30 of article I of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending in this amendatory act and in House Bill No. 4831 of the 93rd Legislature from state sources for fiscal year 2005-2006 is estimated at $11,364,814,000.00 and state appropriations to be paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2005-2006 are estimated at $11,341,913,100.00."Enacting section 1 of Act 342 of 2006 provides:"Enacting section 1. (1) In accordance with section 30 of article I of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending in this amendatory act from state sources for fiscal year 2006-2007 is estimated at $11,682,508,200.00 and state appropriations to be paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2006-2007 are estimated at $11,536,597,200.00.(2) In accordance with section 30 of article I of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending from state sources for fiscal year 2005-2006 in this amendatory act and 2005 PA 155 is estimated at $11,308,027,200.00 and state appropriations to be paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2004-2005 are estimated at $11,285,376,300.00."Enacting section 1 of Act 137 of 2007 provides:"Enacting section 1. In accordance with section 30 of article I of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending in this amendatory act from state sources for fiscal year 2007-2008 is estimated at $11,527,973,800.00 and state appropriations to be paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2007-2008 are estimated at $11,458,493,300.00."Enacting section 1 of Act 268 of 2008 provides:"Enacting section 1. In accordance with section 30 of article I of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending in this amendatory act from state sources for fiscal year 2008-2009 is estimated at $11,816,898,200.00 and state appropriations to be paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2008-2009 are estimated at $11,602,465,900.00."Enacting section 1 of Act 121 of 2009 provides:"Enacting section 1. In accordance with section 30 of article I of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending in this amendatory act from state sources for fiscal year 2009-2010 is estimated at $10,825,754,100.00 and state appropriations to be paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2009-2010 are estimated at $10,718,801,700.00."