451-1976-1-5A - PART 5A APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL REFORM BOARDS (380.371...380.376)
- Section 380.371 - Definitions.
- Section 380.372 - School reform board; appointment by mayor; establishment; membership; terms; reappointment; meetings; chairperson; vacancy; election of other officers; quorum; compensation; expenses
- Section 380.373 - Elected school board; suspension of powers and duties; meeting as advisory board; compensation; reimbursement; powers and duties of mayor; financial audit; provisions applicable to s
- Section 380.374 - Chief executive officer and other officers; appointment; vote; other officers as employees at will; vacancy.
- Section 380.374a - Election or appointment to elective office.
- Section 380.375 - Expiration of 5 years after initial appointment of school reform board; procedures.
- Section 380.376 - School district accountability board; creation; membership; chairperson; powers and duties of board; limitation; business conducted at public meeting; writings subject to open meetin