Section 330.1617 - Right to jury; evidence; witnesses; closing hearing to public; presence of respondent; testimony of person who prepared report or performed evaluation; independent evaluation.

Act 258 of 1974

330.1617 Right to jury; evidence; witnesses; closing hearing to public; presence of respondent; testimony of person who prepared report or performed evaluation; independent evaluation.

Sec. 617.

(1) A respondent in a guardianship proceeding conducted pursuant to this chapter may demand that a jury decide any issue or issues of fact. A jury shall consist of 6 persons to be chosen in the same manner as provided in the probate court rules.

(2) A respondent in a guardianship proceeding conducted pursuant to this chapter shall have the right to present evidence, and to confront and cross-examine all witnesses.

(3) The hearing may be closed to the public on the request of the respondent or the respondent's legal counsel.

(4) The respondent shall be present at all proceedings conducted pursuant to this chapter. However, the respondent's presence may be excused by the court only on a showing, supported by an affidavit signed by a physician or psychologist who has recently examined the respondent, that the respondent's attendance would subject him or her to serious risk of physical or emotional harm.

(5) A guardian shall not be appointed under this section unless the person who prepared the report or at least 1 of the persons who performed an evaluation serving in part as basis for the report testifies in person in court.

(6) The respondent has the right, at his or her own expense, or if the respondent is indigent, at the expense of the state, to secure an independent evaluation. Compensation for an independent evaluation at public expense shall be in an amount which is reasonable and based upon time and expenses and approved by the court.

History: Add. 1978, Act 527, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 1978