Section 330.1244 - Additional powers and duties of department.

Act 258 of 1974

330.1244 Additional powers and duties of department.

Sec. 244.

In addition to the duties and powers elsewhere provided in this chapter, the department shall do all of the following:

(a) Seek to develop and establish arrangements and procedures for the effective coordination and integration of state services and community mental health services programs.

(b) Review and evaluate, at times and in a manner the department considers appropriate, the relevancy, quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of community mental health services programs. In developing or operating its community mental health services program information system, the department shall not collect any information that would make it possible to identify by name any individual who receives a service from a community mental health services program. Any such information in the possession of the department before August 6, 1974 shall not be disclosed by the department.

(c) Provide technical consultative services to counties seeking to establish or improve a community mental health services program, and provide other technical consultative services to community mental health services programs as the department considers feasible and appropriate.

(d) Audit, or cause to be audited, the expenditure of state funds by community mental health services programs. Copies of audit reports shall be forwarded to the auditor general.

(e) Subject to section 114a, promulgate rules it considers necessary or appropriate to implement the objectives and provisions of this chapter.

History: 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975 ;-- Am. 1980, Act 423, Eff. Mar. 31, 1981 ;-- Am. 1986, Act 289, Imd. Eff. Dec. 22, 1986 ;-- Am. 1995, Act 290, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996
Admin Rule: R 330.1001 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.