Section 330.1236 - Services program; review of expenditures; withdrawal of funds.

Act 258 of 1974

330.1236 Services program; review of expenditures; withdrawal of funds.

Sec. 236.

At intervals during the year, the department shall review the expenditures of each community mental health services program, and if the department determines that funds that have been allocated to a program are not needed by that program, the department may, with the concurrence of the board, withdraw the funds. Funds so withdrawn may be reallocated by the department to other community mental health services programs. The department may withdraw funds that have been allocated to a community mental health services program when the funds are being expended in a manner not provided for in the approved contract and operating budget. The department shall establish standards related to the frequency and timing of expenditure reviews described in this section.

History: 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975 ;-- Am. 1995, Act 290, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996