Section 324.19116 - Statewide market development research study; market development plan; market development grant program; selection of development projects; selecting recipients of market developmen

Act 451 of 1994

324.19116 Statewide market development research study; market development plan; market development grant program; selection of development projects; selecting recipients of market development grants; permits as condition to dispensing market development grant; limitation on expenditures.

Sec. 19116.

(1) The department shall cause to be conducted a statewide market development research study to assess the current markets and the potential for and the means for expansion of markets for recycled materials in this state. The department shall not expend more than 2.5% of the total amount in the fund in any state fiscal year for the market development research study. In addition, the department shall establish a market development plan based on the market development research study. The plan shall identify the barriers in attracting or expanding industries that use recycled materials and determine the appropriate methods for eliminating those barriers. The department of commerce shall serve as project coordinator for the market development study funded and administered by the department pursuant to this section.

(2) The department shall establish a market development grant program. The program shall encourage expansion of the use of recycled materials and the development of innovative technologies to use recycled materials. The department shall make a grant under the program described in this section.

(3) The department shall select development projects subject to the following prerequisites:

(a) The project is beyond the research stage and a demonstration has indicated that it is technically feasible.

(b) The recipient of the grant is a municipality, nonprofit private entity, or private entity in this state.

(c) The project shall be performed in this state.

(4) The department shall consider the following factors in selecting recipients of market development grants:

(a) The contribution that would be made by the project toward the goal of increasing the use of recycled materials.

(b) The market's need for the development of the technology or equipment.

(c) The potential impact of the technology or equipment on the cost effectiveness of using recycled materials.

(d) The potential for development of new resource recovery markets and for the generation of positive economic impacts.

(e) The potential of the project for commercial application.

(f) The stage of the development of the technology or equipment proposed to be used in the project.

(g) The environmental, economic, and social benefits to the state of the development of the technology or equipment.

(h) The future sources of capital funding for the project.

(i) The extent to which the applicant has committed land, buildings, personnel, support services, or funds to the project.

(j) The potential of the project for developing multiple markets.

(5) The department shall not dispense a market development grant unless all the permits that are required by this part and otherwise required by state law and that are specifically applicable to the nature of the proposed project have been obtained.

(6) The department shall not expend more than 25% of the total amount in the fund in any state fiscal year for the market development grant program. The department shall not expend more than $500,000.00 for any single grant made under this program.

History: 1994, Act 451, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA