Section 324.8802 - Nonpoint source pollution prevention and control grants.

Act 451 of 1994

324.8802 Nonpoint source pollution prevention and control grants.

Sec. 8802.

(1) The department, in consultation with the department of agriculture, shall establish a grants program to provide grants for nonpoint source pollution prevention and control projects and wellhead protection projects. The grants program shall provide grants to local units of government or entities that are exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code.

(2) The nonpoint source pollution prevention and control grants issued under this part shall be provided for projects that do either or both of the following:

(a) Implement the physical improvement portion of watershed plans that are approved by the department.

(b) Reduce specific nonpoint source pollution as identified by the department.

(3) The wellhead protection grants issued under this part shall be provided for projects that are consistent with a wellhead protection plan approved by the department and that do any of the following:

(a) Plug abandoned wells.

(b) Provide for the purchase of land or the purchase of rights in land to protect aquifer recharge areas.

(c) Implement the physical improvement portion of the wellhead protection plan.

(4) For any grant issued under this part, a local unit of government shall contribute at least 25% of the project's total cost from other public or private funding sources. The department may approve in-kind services to meet all or a portion of the match requirement under this subsection. In addition, the department may accept as the match requirement under this subsection a contract between the grant applicant and the department that provides for maintenance of the project or practices that are funded under terms acceptable to the department. The contract shall require maintenance of the project or practices throughout the period of time in which the state is paying off the bonds that were issued pursuant to the clean Michigan initiative act to implement this part.

History: Add. 1998, Act 287, Eff. Dec. 1, 1998
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA