Section 324.8510 - Inspecting, sampling, and analyzing fertilizer and soil conditioners; methods; rules; access to premises; stopping conveyances; submission of information to department; confidential

Act 451 of 1994

324.8510 Inspecting, sampling, and analyzing fertilizer and soil conditioners; methods; rules; access to premises; stopping conveyances; submission of information to department; confidentiality.

Sec. 8510.

(1) The director shall inspect, sample, and analyze fertilizers and soil conditioners distributed within this state at a time and place and to the extent necessary to determine compliance with this part.

(2) The methods of sampling and analysis under subsection (1) shall be those as established by the association of American plant food control officials or the association of analytical communities, international, as those standards exist on the effective date of the amendatory act that added this subsection, and are incorporated by reference. The department may promulgate rules to update these standards. In cases not covered by such methods, or in cases where methods are available in which improved applicability has been demonstrated, the director may adopt, by rule, such other methods as are considered appropriate.

(3) Department representatives and inspectors shall have free access during regular business hours and extended operating hours to all premises where fertilizers or soil conditioners are manufactured, sold, or stored, and to all trucks or other vehicles and vessels used in the transportation of a fertilizer or soil conditioner in this state, to determine compliance with this part. Department representatives and inspectors may stop any conveyance transporting fertilizer or soil conditioner for the purpose of inspecting and sampling the products and examining their labeling.

(4) A manufacturer or distributor of fertilizer or soil conditioner shall submit to the department, upon request, product samples, copies of labeling, or any other data or information that the department may request concerning composition and claims and representations made for fertilizers and soil conditioners manufactured or distributed by the manufacturer or distributor within this state.

(5) The director may, upon reasonable notice, require a person to furnish any information relating to the identification, nature, and quantity of fertilizers that are or have been used on a particular site and to current or past practices that may have affected groundwater quality. Information required under this subsection is confidential business information and is not subject to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.

History: Add. 1995, Act 60, Imd. Eff. May 24, 1995 ;-- Am. 2006, Act 503, Eff. Mar. 30, 2007
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA