Section 324.8311 - Certification and other requirements; identification; records of certified commercial applicator; submission of summary to director; supervision; following recommended and accepted
Act 451 of 1994
324.8311 Certification and other requirements; identification; records of certified commercial applicator; submission of summary to director; supervision; following recommended and accepted good practices; governmental agencies subject to part and rules.
Sec. 8311.
(1) A person shall not use a restricted use pesticide without first complying with the certification requirements of this part.
(2) A person is not required to be a certified applicator to apply a restricted use pesticide for a private agricultural purpose if the person is under the direct supervision of a certified applicator, unless prohibited by the pesticide label.
(3) Certification requirements for commercial applicators shall include completion of written examinations prescribed by the director. Certification requirements for private agricultural applicators shall provide optional methods of certification to include 1 of the following:
(a) Self-study and examination.
(b) Classroom training and examination.
(c) An oral fact-finding interview administered by an authorized representative of the director when a person is unable to demonstrate competence by examination or classroom training.
(4) At the time of sale, private applicators shall identify the intended county of application of a restricted use pesticide.
(5) A certified commercial applicator shall maintain records of restricted use pesticide applications for 3 years from the date of application and make those records available upon request to an authorized representative of the director during normal business hours.
(6) A commercial applicator shall keep for 3 years from the date of application a record of the pesticide registration number, product name, the formulated amount applied, and application location for all restricted use pesticides used by the commercial applicator. A summary of this information indicating the pesticide registration number, product name, and total formulated amount of pesticide applied to each county during the previous calendar year shall be transmitted to the director before March 1. This summary shall be submitted on forms provided by or approved by the director. Information collected under this subsection is confidential business information and is not subject to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.
(7) A certified applicator shall directly supervise the application of a restricted use pesticide if prescribed by the label, this part, or rules promulgated under this part.
(8) A commercial applicator is responsible for pesticide applications made by persons under his or her supervision.
(9) Each person shall follow recommended and accepted good practices in the use of pesticides, including, but not limited to, use of a pesticide in a manner consistent with its labeling.
(10) A federal agency, state agency, municipality, county road commission, or any other governmental agency that uses a pesticide classified for restricted use is subject to this part and the rules promulgated under this part.
History: 1994, Act 451, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 418, Imd. Eff. June 5, 2002
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA