Section 324.4912 - Fiscal year; filing application for grant; assignment of point total; certification of projects; condition of certification; time extensions; validity of application; report to legi

Act 451 of 1994

324.4912 Fiscal year; filing application for grant; assignment of point total; certification of projects; condition of certification; time extensions; validity of application; report to legislature; approval or rejection of projects.

Sec. 4912.

(1) For the purposes of sections 4909 to 4912, the fiscal year is July 1 to June 30.

(2) Applications for collecting sewer construction grants and official pollution control plans required by sections 7 and 8 of Act No. 329 of the Public Acts of 1966, being sections 323.117 and 323.118 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, shall be filed with the department not later than September 15 preceding the period or fiscal year for which the application is filed. Applications postmarked not later than midnight of September 15 meet this requirement.

(3) A point total shall be assigned by the department to each application that has been timely filed and conforms to the requirements of this part no later than the following January 1.

(4) Projects entitled to construction grants shall be certified to the director of the department of management and budget and the state treasurer from the eligibility list established by the department and as approved by the legislature. Certification shall be made following approval by the legislature.

(5) Certification of a project for a grant is subject to the condition that construction contracts for the project be awarded not later than March 1 of the fiscal year for which application for a state grant has been filed. Failure to comply with this condition of certification is cause for the department to take any action necessary to withdraw any grant offer that may have been obligated to such project. However, on a showing satisfactory to the department that the project will proceed within an extended period, the department may allow 30-day extensions totaling not more than 90 days.

(6) Except as otherwise provided in this part, an application for a collecting sewer construction grant filed with the department is valid only for the fiscal year for which the application is filed.

(7) The department shall report to the legislature by January 15 of each year a list of collecting sewer projects eligible for grants, the points and priorities assigned to them pursuant to this part, a list of projects that are recommended to be funded, and a list of projects which failed to comply with the conditions of certifications set forth in subsection (5) and on which the department has taken action to withdraw offers of state grants. If legislative approval or rejection of eligible projects is not given each year within 45 days after receipt of the department's list of eligible projects, the department list shall be considered approved.

History: 1994, Act 451, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA