Section 324.4906 - State sewer construction fund; disbursements.
Act 451 of 1994
324.4906 State sewer construction fund; disbursements.
Sec. 4906.
(1) Disbursements from the state sewer construction fund shall be made by the director of the department of management and budget and the state treasurer in accordance with the accounting laws of the state only for the following purposes for which the bonds have been authorized:
(a) Expense of issuing the bonds.
(b) Grants to local agencies as provided in section 4905(2) and (3).
(2) Before any disbursement from the fund, as provided in subsection (3), is made to a local agency for a grant for the construction of collecting sewers, the department shall certify to the director of the department of management and budget and the state treasurer the amount of the grant which the agency is eligible to receive under this part. The certificate shall include or have attached to it a certificate by the department, or by the department of public health when so requested by the department, of the necessity and sufficiency of the collecting sewers.
(3) A disbursement from the fund to a local agency shall be made for projects on the priority list established under sections 4904 and 4912 upon certification to the director of the department of management and budget and the state treasurer by the department that the disbursement is due. A local agency may request and receive disbursement of the state grant in not more than 5 installments:
(a) An installment of 50% of the reasonable cost for preparing completed final construction plans and specifications, but not to exceed the amount of the grant, for the collecting sewers which have been certified as eligible for a state grant, on issuance of a construction permit by the department of public health for the collecting sewers for which the construction plans and specifications have been prepared and on receipt of evidence satisfactory to the department of the local agency's ability and intent to finance the local share of the project cost. A disbursement shall not be made under this subsection to a local agency which has received federal or other state grants for the preparation of final plans and specifications.
(b) An installment when not less than 25% of the cost of construction of the collecting sewers is completed.
(c) An installment when not less than 50% of the cost of construction of the collecting sewers is completed.
(d) An installment when not less than 75% of the cost of construction of the collecting sewers is completed.
(e) A final installment of the unpaid balance of the grant based upon the actual cost of the collecting sewers when construction is completed.
History: 1994, Act 451, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA