Section 324.6507 - Emissions inspection test program in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties; conditions for implementation; contingency measures; adoption of cut points; equipment and test procedures;
Act 451 of 1994
324.6507 Emissions inspection test program in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties; conditions for implementation; contingency measures; adoption of cut points; equipment and test procedures; rules; suspension of vehicle registration.
Sec. 6507.
(1) The department may implement and administer only under the conditions set forth in subsection (2) an emissions inspection test program designed to meet the performance standards for a motor vehicle emissions testing program as established by the United States environmental protection agency in 40 C.F.R. 51.352 in the counties of Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb, using bar 90 testing equipment, including a visual antitampering check, or an equivalent system approved by the United States environmental protection agency. This inspection and maintenance program, if implemented, shall be carried out by licensed testing stations as authorized by the department. The visual antitampering check described in this subsection includes visual antitampering inspection of the catalytic converter, gas cap, PCV valve, air pump, and fuel inlet restrictor on light duty gas vehicles and light duty gas trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less.
(2) The decentralized test and repair program described in subsection (1) shall only be implemented as a contingency measure included in the maintenance plan approved by the United States environmental protection agency as part of the redesignation as an ozone attainment area. The contingency measure shall include authority to expand the program to Washtenaw county in addition to the counties described in subsection (1) if other measures are not sufficient to meet the maintenance plan. The department may only implement the contingency measure if there is observation of an actual violation of the ozone national ambient air quality standard under 40 C.F.R. 50.9 during the maintenance period. The department may only exercise the contingency measure set forth in this subsection if:
(a) The department notifies the legislature that the event set forth in this subsection has occurred and that the contingency will be implemented after a period of 45 days.
(b) The legislature fails to adopt any amendments to this part that alter the requirements of this section within the 45-day period.
(3) The cut points set forth in test procedures, quality control requirements, and equipment specifications issued by the United States environmental protection agency are hereby adopted for the emissions testing program authorized in this section.
(4) Equipment and test procedures for the program described in subsection (1) shall meet the requirements of appendices A through D to subpart S of 40 C.F.R. 51 and the test procedures, quality control requirements, and equipment specifications issued by the United States environmental protection agency.
(5) The department, in consultation with the department of state and the department of natural resources, may promulgate rules for the administration of the inspection and maintenance program under this section including, but not limited to:
(a) Standards for testing station equipment, including emission testing equipment.
(b) Emission test cut points and other emission control requirements based on the clean air act and the state implementation plan.
(c) Exemptions from inspections as authorized under this part.
(d) Standards and procedures for the issuance of certificates of compliance and certificates of waiver from inspection and maintenance program requirements.
(e) Rules to ensure that owners of motor vehicles registered in this state who temporarily reside out of state are not unduly inconvenienced by the requirements of this part. The rules may include any of the following:
(i) Reciprocal agreements with other states that require motor vehicle inspections that are at least as stringent as those required under this part and rules promulgated under this part.
(ii) Provision for time extensions of not more than 2 years for persons temporarily residing in a state, the District of Columbia, or a territory of the United States with which this state has not entered into a reciprocal agreement for vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance. Additional time extensions shall be granted to persons temporarily residing out of state because of military service.
(6) Upon receipt of documentation from the department, the department of state may suspend the registration of any vehicle that is not in compliance with this section and the rules promulgated under this section and for which the required certificate of compliance has not been obtained.
History: Add. 1995, Act 60, Imd. Eff. May 24, 1995 ;-- Am. 1996, Act 166, Imd. Eff. Apr. 17, 1996
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA