523-1980-6 - ARTICLE 6 (32.1030...32.1035)
- Section 32.1030 - Preferring charges and specifications; signature; oath; disposition; informing accused of charges.
- Section 32.1031 - Self-incrimination; interrogation of accused or suspect; compelling statement or evidence not material to issue and tending to degrade person; statements obtained from person not to
- Section 32.1032 - Investigation of matters set forth in charge or specification; conduct; formal report; contents; informing accused of rights and other matters; opportunity for cross-examination and
- Section 32.1033 - Officer exercising special court-martial jurisdiction over accused to forward charges to governor; report.
- Section 32.1034 - Convening authority to refer charge to state judge advocate for consideration and advice before trial; referring charge to general court-martial for trial; formal corrections and cha
- Section 32.1035 - Service of charges upon accused; person not to be brought to trial within specified time period.