Section 3.451 - Pictured Rocks national lakeshore, conveyance to United States; approval by conservation commission.
Act 168 of 1967
3.451 Pictured Rocks national lakeshore, conveyance to United States; approval by conservation commission.
Sec. 1.
The state administrative board is authorized to convey by quit claim deed or deeds such title to lands as is vested in the state of Michigan and under the jurisdiction of the department of conservation and to cede the off shore water area, without any monetary consideration, for and in behalf of the state of Michigan, to the United States of America, as lie within the boundaries of the shoreline zone of the Pictured Rocks national lakeshore as depicted on the map identified as “proposed pictured rocks national lakeshore, United States department of the interior, national park service, boundary map NL-PR-7001A, July, 1966”, to be used by the United States department of the interior. The conservation commission shall approve the descriptions and total acreage of land to be conveyed and water area to be ceded.
History: 1967, Act 168, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1967