Act 316 of 2000 - MICHIGAN ORGANIC PRODUCTS ACT (286.901 - 286.931)
- Section 286.901 - Short title.
- Section 286.903 - Definitions; A to D.
- Section 286.905 - Definitions; G to L.
- Section 286.907 - Definitions; M to P.
- Section 286.909 - Definitions; R to W.
- Section 286.911 - Authority of department to regulate, promote, and assist organic industry; sale, offer for sale, or representation as organic product; registration required.
- Section 286.913 - Production, sale, or handling of organic products; certification required; exceptions; retail food establishments.
- Section 286.915 - Registration as certifying agent; fee; demonstration of compliance; expiration; renewal.
- Section 286.917 - Registration as certifying agent; demonstration of compliance; requirements.
- Section 286.919 - Registration of handler; application; fee; basis; schedule; coordination of registration procedures.
- Section 286.920 - Organic products fund; establishment in state treasury; receipt, deposit, and expenditure of funds; carrying forward unexpended funds.
- Section 286.921 - Rules; scope.
- Section 286.922 - Reciprocity agreement with another state, country, or private certifying organization.
- Section 286.923 - Labeling and advertisement; requirements; circumstances considered as mislabeling.
- Section 286.925 - Organic advisory committee; creation; powers and duties; membership; terms; travel reimbursement; election of officers and adoption of rules; quorum; meetings; proceedings subject to
- Section 286.927 - Complaints and investigations; penalties or remedies; rules; denial of application; suspension or revocation of registration; seizure of product; disposition; written notice of warni
- Section 286.929 - Violation of act or rule; administrative fine; misdemeanor; penalty; affirmative defense; felony.
- Section 286.931 - Effective date.