Act 189 of 1931 - THE INSECT PEST AND PLANT DISEASE ACT (286.201 - 286.228)
- Section 286.201 - Insect pest and plant disease act; short title.
- Section 286.202 - Definitions.
- Section 286.203 - Inspection of nursery and other premises; right of access.
- Section 286.204 - Inspection of stock before sale; application; assumed name.
- Section 286.205 - Nursery stock from foreign country; inspection.
- Section 286.206 - Annual inspections of nurseries, heeling-in grounds, cellars, or warehouses; fee; certificate of inspection; term; unlawful sale, shipment or certificate; basis for charging inspecti
- Section 286.207 - Withholding certificate; precautions; fraud, investigation, revocation of license.
- Section 286.208 - Sale of dead or weakened nursery stock; penalty.
- Section 286.209 - License required for sale of nursery stock; application; plant growers or plant dealers; payment, disposition, and use of fees; agriculture licensing and inspection fees fund; hortic
- Section 286.210 - Licenses to sell nursery stock; buyers and dealers; certificate to deal in inspected stock, number of licenses.
- Section 286.211 - Nonresident nurseryman, dealer, or grower; license required; fee; waiver; reciprocal agreements; violation as grounds for denial of right to ship nursery stock.
- Section 286.212 - Licenses to sell nursery stocks; agent's permit, fee; list of agents, transfer of permits.
- Section 286.213 - Revocation, suspension or withholding of license or certificate; hearing; appeal.
- Section 286.214 - Revocation, suspension or withholding of license or certificate; hearing, order of revocation; penalty for wrongful use of license on certificate, withholding.
- Section 286.215 - Tags on stock; inspection of imported stock on request; expense.
- Section 286.216 - Tags on stock; certificate of inspection; unlawful transportation; report to commissioner.
- Section 286.216a - Definitions; sale, distribution, or use of purple loosestrife.
- Section 286.217 - Sale of stock; inspection, transportation of nursery stock, native trees, perennials, shrubs; uninspected stock.
- Section 286.218 - Nuisances; public places kept free from injurious insect pests and plant diseases; insects, fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses or living plant parasitic organisms; permits.
- Section 286.219 - Barberry, mahonia or mahoberberis bushes subject to black stem rust of small grains; destruction; rules.
- Section 286.219a - Chokecherry harmful to peach or cherry trees prohibited; destruction; rules.
- Section 286.220 - Insect pests and plant diseases; eradication of nuisances; notice; abatement; inspection; payment of expenses.
- Section 286.221 - Inspection of public grounds; application, payment of expense.
- Section 286.222 - Inspection of plants and plant products before interstate shipment; expenses, certificate.
- Section 286.223 - Quarantine; enforcement, hearing, notice.
- Section 286.223a - Rules.
- Section 286.224 - Violation of act; penalty, quarantine, misdemeanor.
- Section 286.225 - Review of rule or order; appeal to circuit court.
- Section 286.226 - Violation of act; penalty.
- Section 286.228 - Violation of certain laws, rules, or orders; civil infraction; fines; limitation; misdemeanor; felony; liability; "person" defined; applicability.