- Section 257.656 - Violations of MCL 257.656 to 257.661a as civil infractions; duty of parent or guardian; regulations applicable to bicycles and motorcycles.
- Section 257.657 - Rights and duties of persons riding bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, or moped or operating low-speed vehicle.
- Section 257.658 - Riding on seat of bicycle, motorcycle, or moped; number of persons; crash helmets; rules; requirements for autocycle.
- Section 257.658a - Seats and foot rests; requirements; exception; violation as civil infraction.
- Section 257.658b - Crash helmet required; exception.
- Section 257.659 - Riding while attached to streetcar or vehicle.
- Section 257.660 - Electric personal assistive mobility device, low-speed vehicle, or moped; operation; limitations; applicability to police officer; regulation by local government; prohibitions; regul
- Section 257.660a - Operation of bicycle upon highway or street; riding close to right-hand curb or edge of roadway; exceptions.
- Section 257.660b - Operation of bicycle upon highway or street; riding more than 2 abreast.
- Section 257.660c - Operation of bicycle upon sidewalk or pedestrian crosswalk.
- Section 257.660d - Parking bicycle on sidewalk, highway, or street.
- Section 257.661 - Carrying package, bundle, or article on bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, moped, or motorcycle.
- Section 257.661a - Handlebars of motorcycle or moped.
- Section 257.662 - Bicycles or electric personal assistive mobility device; equipment; violation as civil infraction.