Section 247.663a - Acquisition of private property within right of way of highway project; expenditure of revenue.

Act 51 of 1951

247.663a Acquisition of private property within right of way of highway project; expenditure of revenue.

Sec. 13a.

The state transportation commission, the county road commissions, and the cities and villages of the state, acting individually or jointly in accordance with a contract, may acquire by purchase or condemnation, in advance of actual construction programming, private property situated within the right of way of a highway project planned for future construction by the governmental unit, and may expend for the advance acquisition of right of way money received by the governmental unit from the Michigan transportation fund. Revenue received from a rental or lease of property so acquired or from the disposition of an improvement on that property or the proceeds of the sale of excess parcels of property so acquired shall be expended by the governmental unit for highway purposes in accordance with this act.

History: Add. 1957, Act 262, Eff. July 1, 1957 ;-- Am. 1978, Act 444, Imd. Eff. Oct. 10, 1978
Popular Name: McNitt Act
Popular Name: Michigan Transportation Fund Act