Section 247.903 - Allocation of funds for projects; notice; hearings; funding projects under MCL 247.907(3) and 247.909(1)(a); coordination of projects; department as contracting agent; assistance to

Act 231 of 1987

247.903 Allocation of funds for projects; notice; hearings; funding projects under MCL 247.907(3) and 247.909(1)(a); coordination of projects; department as contracting agent; assistance to commission; appropriation for administration of fund; duties of commission and office of economic development.

Sec. 3.

(1) Money from the fund shall be allocated for projects to be funded pursuant to section 11(3)(a) and (b) in accordance with the adopted policies of the commission. No funds shall be committed to any project, nor shall any project be authorized for any funds under this act, until the commission notifies the senate committee on transportation and tourism and the house committee on transportation and the subcommittees on transportation of the senate and house appropriations committees of the proposed projects in the manner provided in section 18k of Act No. 51 of the Public Acts of 1951, being section 247.668k of the Michigan Compiled Laws. Hearings may be conducted to afford interested parties the opportunity to address aspects of the selection process, the final project list, proposed funding, and related issues. If such hearings are not conducted by the senate committee on transportation and tourism and the house committee on transportation and the subcommittees on transportation of the senate and house appropriations committees within 30 days, if both the senate and house are in session, or 60 days, if either the senate or the house or both are not in session of project notification by the commission, the department may proceed with project authorization for funding.

(2) The commission shall not commit funds to any project in a new category for funding under section 7(3) or section 9(1)(a), added by this amendatory act, or future amendatory acts, before the commission notifies the legislative committees of the criteria for approval of projects under these categories in the same manner described in this section.

(3) Projects in section 11(3)(a) shall be coordinated with projects in section 11(3)(c) through the designated representatives on the urban task forces and regional rural task forces respectively.

(4) The department may be the contracting agent for all projects to be funded by this act. Contracts shall be awarded consistent with the policies of the commission.

(5) The administrator or the person acting in that capacity shall assist the commission in reviewing recommendations for funding projects under this act.

(6) Of the money appropriated to the fund, not more than 1% as annually appropriated by the legislature shall be appropriated for administration of the fund.

(7) The commission shall do the following:

(a) Establish criteria for the awarding of projects.

(b) Exercise such oversight as it may consider appropriate to facilitate its development of policy for administration of the fund.

(c) Review all projects recommended for funding to assure that they satisfy commission policies and criteria. Funds shall not be allocated to projects unless they are in accord with commission policy and criteria.

(8) The office of economic development shall review each project application and recommend the award of funding to selected projects in accordance with the adopted policies of the commission.

History: 1987, Act 231, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 1987 ;-- Am. 1989, Act 218, Imd. Eff. Dec. 1, 1989 ;-- Am. 1993, Act 149, Imd. Eff. Aug. 19, 1993