Section 123.773 - Petition; contents.

Act 185 of 1957

123.773 Petition; contents.

Sec. 43.

The board of public works shall make and deliver to its attorney a certified copy of the resolution and it shall be the duty of the attorney to prepare and file in the name of the county in the court having jurisdiction of the proceedings, a petition signed by him in his official capacity and duly verified by him, to which petition a certified copy of the resolution of the board of public works shall be annexed. The petition shall state among other things that it is made and filed pursuant to this chapter and the resolution as commencement of judicial proceedings by the county acting through its board of public works, to acquire the right to take the private property therein described for the use or benefit of the public, without the consent of the owners, for the designated public improvement, for a just compensation to be made. The petition shall set forth the names of all persons interested in said property insofar as they can be ascertained. The petition may state any other pertinent matter or matters and shall pray for the appointment of 3 special court commissioners to determine the necessity of taking for public use or benefit the property described in the petition and to appraise the damages to be paid as compensation for the taking of each piece or parcel of property.

History: 1957, Act 185, Imd. Eff. June 4, 1957