- Schedule § 1 - Recommendations by attorney general for changes in laws.
- Schedule § 2 - Existing public and private rights, continuance.
- Schedule § 3 - Officers, continuance in office.
- Schedule § 4 - Officers elected in spring of 1963, term.
- Schedule § 5 - State elective executive officers and senators, 2 and 4 year terms.
- Schedule § 6 - Supreme court, reduction to 7 justices.
- Schedule § 7 - Judges of probate, eligibility for re-election.
- Schedule § 8 - Judicial officers, staggered terms.
- Schedule § 9 - State board of education; first election, terms.
- Schedule § 10 - Boards controlling higher education institutions and state board of public community and junior colleges, terms.
- Schedule § 11 - Michigan State University trustees and Wayne State University governors, terms.
- Schedule § 12 - Initial allocation of departments by law or executive order.
- Schedule § 13 - State contracts, continuance.
- Schedule § 14 - Mackinac Bridge Authority; refunding of bonds, transfer of functions to highway department.
- Schedule § 15 - Submission of constitution; time, notice.
- Schedule § 16 - Voters, ballots, effective date.
- Schedule SigBlock - Vote Record.