- Section 1 Adulterating liquor; sale; forfeiture
- Section 1A Eyeglasses or sunglasses; specifications; flammable frames; sales
- Section 2 to 2B Repealed, 1960, 727, Sec. 1
- Section 3 Drugs or other substance injurious to users; distribution
- Section 3A Poison for rodents; placement where it may cause injury
- Section 4 Wood alcohol contained in food or drink; sale or possession
- Section 5 Alcoholic beverages or drugs; sale or delivery to hospital patients
- Section 6 Tobacco; sale or gift to minors
- Section 6A Sale of cigarette rolling papers to minors
- Section 7 Posting copy of Sec. 6; removing copy
- Section 8 Candy containing alcohol; sale
- Section 8A Foods containing foreign injury causing substances; distribution or sale
- Section 9 Feeding garbage or refuse to animals
- Section 10 Toys or confectionery containing or coated with material containing arsenic
- Section 11 Arsenic; samples for analysis
- Section 12 Fabric or paper containing arsenic
- Section 13 Water; refusal or neglect to furnish
- Section 14 Spitting
- Section 15 Arrest without warrant for spitting
- Section 16 Disposal of rubbish, etc. on or near highways and coastal or inland waters; penalties; enforcement; park rangers
- Section 16A Alternative noncriminal disposition of violations of Sec. 16
- Section 17 Garbage or refuse; disposal in containers placed along highways
- Section 17A Repealed, 1979, 704, Sec. 3
- Section 18 Substance having property of releasing toxic vapors
- Section 19 Glue or cement; sale to minors; smelling deterrent ingredients
- Section 20 Burning of refuse, etc. within marine or shoreline boundaries
- Section 21 Repealed, 2004, 127, Sec. 1
- Section 22 Smoking in public places
- Section 23 Flea markets; smoking prohibition; penalty
- Section 24 Mercury thermometers; sale or supply; instructions regarding breakage