- Section 1 Definitions
- Section 2 Corrupt gifts, offers or promises to influence official acts; corruption of witnesses
- Section 3 Gifts, offers or promises for acts performed or to be performed; corruption of witnesses; solicitation of gifts
- Section 4 Other compensation; offer, gift, receipt or request; acting as agent or attorney for other than state; legislators; special state employees
- Section 5 Former state employees; acting as agent or attorney or receiving compensation; partners of state employees or legislators
- Section 6 Financial interest of state employee, relative or associates; disclosure
- Section 6A Conflict of interest of public official; reporting requirement
- Section 7 Financial interest in contracts of state agency; application of section
- Section 8 Public building or construction contracts
- Section 8A Members of state commissions or boards; prohibited appointments to other positions
- Section 8B Members of commonwealth utilities commission; prohibited lobbying activities
- Section 9 Violation of Secs. 2 to 8; additional remedies; civil action for damages
- Section 10 Opinions of state ethics commission
- Section 11 County employees; receiving or requesting compensation from, or acting as agent or attorney for other than county agency
- Section 12 Former county employees; acting as attorney or receiving compensation from other than county; partners of employees or former employees or legislators
- Section 13 Financial interest of county employee, relatives or associates; disclosure
- Section 14 County employees; financial interest in contracts of county agency
- Section 15 County agency; unfair advantage in relation to particular matter; additional remedies; civil action for damages
- Section 15A Members of county commission or board; restrictions on appointments to certain positions
- Section 16 Repealed, 1978, 210, Sec. 19
- Section 17 Municipal employees; gift or receipt of compensation from other than municipality; acting as agent or attorney
- Section 18 Former municipal employee; acting as attorney or receiving compensation; from other than municipality; partners
- Section 19 Municipal employees, relatives or associates; financial interest in particular matter
- Section 20 Municipal employees; financial interest in contracts; holding one or more elected positions
- Section 21 Municipal agency; unfair advantage; additional remedies; civil action for damages
- Section 21A Members of municipal commission or board; restrictions on appointments to certain positions
- Section 21B Prospective municipal appointees; demanding undated resignations prohibited
- Section 22 Opinions of corporation counsel, city solicitor or town counsel
- Section 23 Supplemental provisions; standards of conduct
- Section 23A Trustees of public institutions of higher learning; prohibited positions
- Section 24 Disclosures and certifications; form; public inspection
- Section 25 Suspension of persons under indictment for misconduct in office; notice; compensation and fringe benefits; temporary replacements; reinstatement
- Section 26 Penalty for violations of clause (b)(2) or (b)(4) of Sec. 23
- Section 27 Publication of summaries of Chapter 268A; filing of acknowledgment by employees
- Section 28 Online training programs
- Section 29 Municipal liasons to state ethics commission