Section 78 Management of jurors by individual courts

Section 78. Each court that receives jurors under this chapter shall make a commitment of certain resources and good will for the efficient and courteous management of jurors. The court shall have a juror-pool room, jury boxes, deliberation rooms, and restroom facilities that are adequate in size, secure, clean, light, adequately heated and ventilated, and comfortable. An adequate full-time staff and emergency backup staff shall be specially trained and assigned to supervise jurors and to work cooperatively with and under the guidance of the office of jury commissioner. The juror-pool staff shall be provided with reasonable secretarial services, postage, office supplies, and telephone service. The court and its staff shall attempt to improve juror utilization and management. Attendance, compensation, utilization, and management data shall be provided in a timely manner to the office of jury commissioner. The court shall summon only the minimum number of jurors necessary, cancel jurors as soon as it has been determined that scheduled jurors are not needed, and discharge jurors as early in the day as possible after it has been determined that their services will not be required. The court and its staff shall take all reasonable steps to maximize the comfort and convenience of jurors while performing juror service including, but not limited to, the following: providing parking spaces for jurors where possible; providing separate juror entrances and exits where possible; providing safe and comfortable furniture for jurors; providing for adequate lunch and coffee breaks for jurors and arranging for food and beverages to be available for purchase by jurors during these breaks; providing reasonable access to telephones for the personal and business needs of jurors; adopting special plans and procedures for sequestered jurors; establishing snow emergency procedures; and handling juror inquiries and problems in a courteous and efficient manner. The court shall insure that jurors are properly orientated and welcomed. The court and its staff shall insure that jurors are reasonably informed of matters which are of proper concern to them. The court shall be willing to participate in research and other public-education programs to the extent possible.