Section 6 Jury management advisory committee
Section 6. A jury management advisory committee, consisting of six members, one of whom shall be appointed as chairman, shall be established as a standing committee of the supreme judicial court. The chairperson and committee members shall be appointed by the chief justice of the supreme judicial court and shall be chosen from among the justices of any trial or appellate court of the commonwealth.
The jury management advisory committee, hereinafter referred to as the committee, shall be authorized to assist and counsel the chief justice and the supreme judicial court in supervising the office of jury commissioner, to perform direct supervision of the office of jury commissioner pursuant to duties specified in this chapter and in matters delegated to the committee by the chief justice of the supreme judicial court. The committee is authorized to assist and counsel the office of jury commissioner in the implementation and administration of this chapter; to foster continuing study, research, and improvement of all aspects of the jury system; to encourage increased public interest and education in this field; to encourage improved cooperation and efficiency between the state and federal courts in matters of juror selection and management; and to encourage improved cooperation and efficiency between the judicial branch, other branches, and local units of government in the preparation and utilization of population lists and other materials. The committee may appoint such non-judicial members as it deems appropriate, provided, however, that these non-judicial members shall not vote on the official business of the committee. The office shall reimburse members of the jury management advisory committee for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.