Section 15 Preparation of prospective juror list

Section 15. On or before the first day of September of each year, the office of jury commissioner shall prepare the prospective juror list for each city and town. Each list shall contain the names, addresses, dates of birth, and related information for all randomly selected prospective jurors from the city or town. The list shall be in alphabetical order. The content and format of the prospective juror list shall be specified in the regulations of the jury commissioner. On or before the first day of October of each year, the office of jury commissioner shall mail two copies of the prospective juror list to each city and town. Each city and town shall make this list available for inspection by members of the public. The office of jury commissioner shall make the prospective juror list of any city or town available for inspection by members of the public upon request; provided, however, that such lists shall be available only to insure the integrity of the juror selection process and the accountability of the office of jury commissioner, and that the jury commissioner shall have discretionary authority to refuse to provide such lists for commercial or research purposes.