Section 51A Administrative head of Boston municipal court department; appointment of first justice; allowance of bills
Section 51A. The justice provided for under section one of chapter two hundred and eleven B as the chief justice of the Boston municipal court department, in addition to his judicial powers and duties, shall, subject to the superintendence authority of the supreme judicial court as provided in section three of chapter two hundred and eleven and the administrative authority of the chief justice for administration and management be the administrative head of the Boston municipal court department, and shall also have the powers and responsibilities of a chief justice as set forth in section ten of chapter two hundred and eleven B; provided, however, that the clerk shall have responsibility for the internal administration of his office, including the selection, appointment, and management of personnel, staff services and record keeping. Said chief justice shall hold office for a term of five years, and shall be eligible to be reappointed for additional five year terms. Said chief justice may be removed from his position as chief justice when it is determined by the chief justice for administration and management to be in the best interests of the administration of justice.
The chief justice of the Boston municipal court department shall have the power to appoint the first justice of each of the various divisions within the Boston municipal court department, subject to the approval of the chief justice for administration and management, and to define his duties; provided, however, that appropriate consideration shall be given to seniority, length of service at that particular division, and managerial ability. Each first justice so appointed shall serve as the first justice of that court for a five-year term and shall be eligible to be reappointed for additional five-year terms at that particular court. Any first justice may be removed from his position as first justice, when it is determined by the chief justice of the district court department to be in the best interests of the administration of justice. Any first justice who is removed from his position as first justice by the chief justice of the district court department may appeal such removal to the chief justice for administration and management.
Said chief justice of the Boston municipal court department, or, in case of his death, illness, absence or incapacity, the senior justice in the department, shall allow bills of costs, accounts, charges and expenses which arise in his department, and shall certify to the public officer by whom payable such amounts so allowed.