- Section 1 Definitions
- Section 1A Adequacy of distribution system; approval
- Section 1B Rules and regulations
- Section 1C Plastic pipe connections; installation; notice to property owner or occupant; grounding of structure; penalty
- Section 2 Application of other statutes
- Section 2A Filing schedule of rates and prices by water districts
- Section 2B Base rate for water charges and fees; increases for high volume users
- Section 3 Powers of department of environmental protection; impairment
- Section 4 Supervisory authority of department
- Section 4A Filing copies of existing contracts with affiliated companies; violations
- Section 4B Water companies; eminent domain or purchase; waters, water rights, lands and easements
- Section 5 Acquisition of water works and other water company property by town
- Section 6 Engineering services and advice
- Section 7 Annual report
- Section 8 Opening of streets by one other than water company; consent of municipal officers
- Section 9 Review of action of municipal officers relating to opening of streets
- Section 10 Testing of meters; report; cost
- Section 11 Intentional injury to or interference with meter; penalty
- Section 11A Procedure for shutting off the flow of water on failure to pay lawful charges
- Section 11B Shutting off water service to domicile occupied by seriously ill person; notice; penalty
- Section 11C Indebtedness of prior property owner; water supply for new owner
- Section 11D Entry on premises to examine water meters and facilities
- Section 11E Shutting off water to non-customer occupants in residential buildings; notice; procedures; payment of amount due; effect of waiver; reprisals; penalties; rules and regulations
- Section 12 Application to other statutes
- Section 13 Certificate of payment of capital stock
- Section 14 Conveyance of property in payment for stock
- Section 15 Corporations organized under earlier law; meetings and records
- Section 16 Record of proprietors’ names
- Section 17 Officers
- Section 18 Assessments; defaults; sale of shares
- Section 19 Repealed, 1941, 275, Sec. 1
- Section 20 Opening streets or ways
- Section 21 Continuing liability on contracts after dissolution
- Section 22 Satisfaction of judgment against shareholders after dissolution
- Section 23 Interest of shareholders in real property after dissolution
- Section 24 Malicious injury to aqueduct; penalty
- Section 25 Conductors from aqueducts for fire fighting
- Section 26 Means of taking water for fire fighting
- Section 27 Recovery of land owner for damages
- Section 28 Acquisition of real estate in excess of limit