Section 86 Employment of children with permit; particular employments; filing, accessibility and return of, and failure to return, permit; list of employed children

Section 86. A person shall not employ a child, other than a child over the age of 14 granted an employment permit by the superintendent of schools when the superintendent determines that the welfare of the child will be better served through the granting of the permit, in any place of employment, other than street trades described in section 69; but a child 14 years of age or older in co-operative courses in a public school may be employed by a co-operating establishment upon securing from the superintendent of schools a permit covering the co-operating employment. Children between fourteen and sixteen who possess the educational qualifications set forth in section one of chapter seventy-six and are employed in private domestic service or service on farms shall be required to secure a permit issued by the superintendent of schools covering such employment. A person employing a minor 14 years of age or older shall procure and keep on file, accessible to the supervisors of attendance of the town, to agents of the department of education, and to the attorney general or his authorized agents or inspectors, the permit for employment issued to the minor and shall keep a complete list of the names and ages of all minors so employed.

On termination of the employment of a child whose permit for employment is on file said permit shall be returned by the employer within two days after said termination to the office of the superintendent of schools or school committee from which it was issued. Any person who retains a permit for employment contrary to this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars.