- Section 4-101 Short Title
- Section 4-102 Applicability
- Section 4-103 Variation by Agreement; Measure of Damages; Action Constituting Ordinary Care
- Section 4-104 Definitions and Index of Definitions
- Section 4-105 Bank; Depositary Bank; Payor Bank; Intermediary Bank; Collecting Bank; Presenting Bank
- Section 4-106 Payable Through or Payable at Bank; Collecting Bank
- Section 4-107 Separate Office of Bank
- Section 4-108 Time of Receipt of Items
- Section 4-109 Delays
- Section 4-110 Electronic Presentment
- Section 4-111 Statute of Limitations
- Section 4-201 Status of Collecting Bank as Agent and Provisional Status of Credits; Applicability of Article; Item Indorsed Pay Any Bank
- Section 4-202 Responsibility for Collection or Return; When Action Timely
- Section 4-203 Effect of Instructions
- Section 4-204 Methods of Sending and Presenting; Sending Direct to Payor Bank
- Section 4-205 Depositary Bank Holder of Unindorsed Item
- Section 4-206 Transfer Between Banks
- Section 4-207 Transfer Warranties
- Section 4-208 Presentment Warranties
- Section 4-209 Encoding and Retention Warranties
- Section 4-210 Security Interest of Collecting Bank in Items, Accompanying Documents and Proceeds
- Section 4-211 When Bank Gives Value for Purposes of Holder in Due Course
- Section 4-212 Presentment by Notice of Item not Payable by, through, or at Bank; Liability of Drawer or Indorser
- Section 4-213 Medium and Time of Settlement by Bank
- Section 4-214 Right of Charge-Back or Refund; Liability of Collecting Bank; Return of Item
- Section 4-215 Final Payment of Item by Payor Bank; When Provisional Debits and Credits Become Final; When Certain Credits Become Available for Withdrawal
- Section 4-216 Insolvency and Preference
- Section 4-301 Deferred Posting; Recovery of Payment by Return of Items; Time of Dishonor; Return of Items by Payor Bank
- Section 4-302 Payor Bank’s Responsibility for Late Return of Item
- Section 4-303 When Items Subject to Notice, Stop-Payment Order, Legal Process, or Setoff; Order in Which Items may be Charged or Certified
- Section 4-401 When Bank May Charge Customer’s Account
- Section 4-402 Bank’s Liability to Customer for Wrongful Dishonor; Time of Determining Insufficiency of Account
- Section 4-403 Customer’s Right to Stop Payment; Burden of Proof of Loss
- Section 4-404 Bank Not Obliged to Pay Check More Than Six Months Old
- Section 4-405 Death or Incompetence of Customer
- Section 4-406 Customer’s Duty to Discover and Report Unauthorized Signature or Alteration
- Section 4-407 Payor Bank’s Right to Subrogation on Improper Payment
- Section 4-501 Handling of Documentary Drafts; Duty to Send for Presentment and to Notify Customer of Dishonor
- Section 4-502 Presentment of “On Arrival” Drafts
- Section 4-503 Responsibility of Presenting Bank for Documents and Goods; Report of Reasons for Dishonor; Referee in Case of Need
- Section 4-504 Privilege of Presenting Bank to Deal with Goods; Security Interest for Expenses