Section 31 Rates of pilotage; other charges

Section 31. Rates of pilotage outward and inward for the port of Boston, calculated per foot of draught, shall be as follows:

  for vessels 3,500 gross tons or under       $45.00

  for vessels over 3,500 to 7,000 gross tons     $58.70

  for vessels over 7,000 to 15,000 gross tons     $66.75

  for vessels over 15,000 to 25,000 gross tons    $69.90

  for vessels over 25,000 to 35,000 gross tons    $71.45

  for vessels over 35,000 to 45,000 gross tons    $73.45

  for vessels over 45,000 gross tons        $78.90

The following charges shall be made for anchoring vessels:

(1) an inbound vessel subject to pilotage that anchors in an area outside Deer Island Light and inside the demarcation line for Federal Inland Waters for more than six hours shall pay $300;

(2) an inbound vessel from sea subject to pilotage that anchors in anchorage number one, two or five shall pay full pilotage;

(3) an outbound vessel subject to pilotage that anchors in anchorage number one, two or five and the pilot remains on board shall be subject to detention fees and shifting charges.

The following charges shall be made for shifting vessels:

(1) between docks in Boston, $400;

(2) between a dock in Boston and anchorage number one, $400;

(3) between a dock in Boston and anchorage number two, one-half pilotage;

(4) between anchorage number five and Quincy, full pilotage;

(5) between anchorage number five and Boston, full pilotage;

(6) between Boston or anchorage number two and Quincy, full pilotage from Boston, full pilotage into Quincy;

(7) between anchorage number two and Boston from one to six hours, $400;

(8) between anchorage number two and Boston in excess of six hours, one-half full pilotage;

(9) between sea and Quincy, full pilotage, but if a vessel proceeds to anchorage number two at the request of the master or agent, an additional one and one-half full pilotage; and

(10) shifting a ship in anchorage number two, $400.

Other charges shall be:

(1) for detention of a pilot on board a vessel, there shall be a one hour free period, followed by a $100 charge for the second hour or portion thereof; for each additional hour or portion thereof there shall be a charge of $100. Detention time shall begin at the ordered sailing time;

(2) cancellation rate, $400;

(3) compass adjusting, $400;

(4) calibration rate, $400;

(5) when a pilot is ordered and dispatched for an arriving vessel and his services are not employed, the vessel shall pay a charge of $400, but a pilot shall be considered ordered unless notified: 3 hours before sailing time in Boston; 3 hours before sailing time in Quincy, anchorage number two or anchorage number five;

(6) no charge shall be made for a vessel detained because of fog or stress of weather;

(7) pilot carried away, the vessel shall pay his return expenses plus $200 per day;

(8) notifying a vessel of his diversion orders, a charge of $100 may be levied plus any regular charges;

(9) assisting the master in docking and undocking, $350;

(10) all inbound vessels shall notify the pilot office eight hours before arrival time if such time varies more than two hours from their latest estimated time of arrival report; and

(11) a surcharge shall be made on each full pilotage charge for the cost of a suitable replacement vessel for the Boston Pilot when it is deemed advisable by a condition survey of the vessel. The surcharge shall be $50 per full pilotage for all vessels 3,500 gross tons and under and $100 per full pilotage for all vessels over 3,500 gross tons. Any such surcharge funds collected shall be placed in an escrow fund which shall be overseen by the office of the commissioners of pilots and shall be used in addition to proceeds realized from the sale of a present pilot vessel. An audited statement of the fund shall be made available to industry representatives on a quarterly basis.