Section 21 Employing or permitting minor to engage in hawking or peddling without permit or license
Section 21. Whoever employs a minor in, or, having the care or custody of a minor, permits such minor to engage in, hawking or peddling without a permit or license, if one is required, or permits him to engage in selling door-to-door for future delivery without a certificate pursuant to section thirty-four, or for himself or as agent of any other person, furnishes or sells to a minor any article with knowledge that the minor would be selling such article in violation of the provisions of this chapter relative to hawkers and peddlers or in violation of the provisions of this chapter relative to those who sell door-to-door, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, to be equally divided between the commonwealth and the town in which the offense was committed, or by imprisonment for not more than six months.