Section 23 Discharge of oil or other poisonous substances into coastal waters; use of explosives; penalty
Section 23. Except in the case of emergency imperilling life or property or an unavoidable accident or except in accordance with the terms of a permit issued pursuant to state or federal water pollution control laws, whoever from any source puts, throws, discharges or suffers or permits to be discharged or to escape into any coastal waters, any oil, poisonous or other injurious substance, including but not limited to, sawdust, shavings, garbage, ashes, acids, sewage and dye-stuffs, whether simple, mixed or compound, or heated effluent, which directly or indirectly materially injure fish, fishspawn or seed therein, or takes any such fish by such means, or whoever kills or destroys fish in such waters by the use of dynamite or other explosives, or takes any such fish in such waters by such means, or explodes dynamite or other explosive in such waters, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than $25,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year or both.