Section 88 Flower seeds; labeling containers; required information

Section 88. For flower seeds the label shall include the name of the kind and variety or cultivar, if any, or a statement of type and performance characteristics as prescribed in regulations. For those having annual, biennial and perennial sorts, or any two of such sorts, a statement shall appear in a conspicuous location on the seed container to indicate whether the seed is of the annual, biennial or perennial sort.

If flower seeds are in packets of the size for use in home flower gardens the label shall contain the date of test or calendar year for which seed is packaged.

For seeds so packaged for which standard testing procedures shall have been adopted, and which germinate less than the standard last adopted by the director and approved by the commissioner under section ninety-eight the label shall contain the percentage of germination, exclusive of hard seed, the percentage of hard seed, if present, and the calendar month and year the test was completed to determine such percentages and the words “Below Standard” in not less than eight point type.

For flower seeds in containers other than packets of the size prepared for use in home flower gardens there shall appear the lot number or other lot identification.

Seeds so packaged for which standard testing procedures shall have been adopted shall contain the percentage of germination, exclusive of hard seed, the percentage of hard seed, if present, and the calendar month and year the test was completed to determine such percentages. For seeds germinating less than the standard, there shall appear the words “Below Standard” in not less than eight point type.