Section 70 Analysis of fertilizers; inspection and taking of samples; publication of results

Section 70. Each commercial fertilizer and brand of commercial fertilizer and each soil conditioner and agricultural liming material sold or offered or exposed for sale shall be subject to analysis by the commissioner or by his duly designated deputy. The commissioner shall cause to be made analyses of said materials sold or exposed for sale in the commonwealth, and he, his inspectors and deputies may enter upon any premises where such material is sold or offered or exposed for sale and take samples for said analyses. Said sampling and analyses shall be done on a random basis and in sufficient quantity to ensure effective analyses within the discretion of the commissioner. Analysis for all fertilizers shall be made by the methods adopted by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. The said commissioner may publish or cause to be published reports and bulletins, special circulars or otherwise to show the results obtained by chemical analysis, said publications shall contain such additional information in relation to the character, composition, value, and use of the fertilizer analyzed as the commissioner sees fit to include. The results of any analysis made shall be sent by the commissioner to the person named in the printed label of the fertilizer analyzed, at least fifteen days prior to publication of any such results.