Section 42 Receipt of grants; expenditure of money; power of trustees

Section 42. For purposes specified in sections forty to forty-five, inclusive, the trustees may receive on behalf of the county money appropriated by any town or by the federal government, or grants made by any individual, trustee or trustees, association or corporation, and may expend the same together with any money appropriated by the general court for any county for county aid to agriculture, either solely or in conjunction with representatives or agents of the commonwealth or of the United States or of any department, commission, board or institution created under the statutes of this commonwealth or under any act of congress. The trustees may enter into any agreements, arrangements or undertakings with any such department, commission, board or institution relative to extension work with adults and with boys and girls in agriculture, homemaking and country life.

The trustees may expend each year an amount, not exceeding one per cent of the appropriation for county aid to agriculture, to pay the expenses, including the cost of meals, of unpaid volunteers at official meetings called for the purpose of furthering the organized educational projects or programs of the county extension service.