Section 112 Issuance, amendment or termination of marketing orders; deposit to defray expenses; reimbursement

Section 112. Prior to the issuance, amendment or termination of any marketing order pursuant to section one hundred and five of this chapter, the commissioner may require the applicants for such issuance, amendment or termination to deposit with him such amount as he may deem necessary to defray the expenses of preparing and making effective, amending or terminating a marketing order. Such funds shall be received, deposited and disbursed by the commissioner in the same manner as assessments received by him under section one hundred and thirteen of this chapter. In the event the application for adoption, amendment or termination of a marketing order is approved in a referendum, the commissioner shall reimburse any such applicant on a pro rata basis, up to the amount of any such deposit, to the extent that any unexpended monies collected under such marketing order remain in the trust fund established under section one hundred and thirteen of this chapter with respect to such order.