Section 9 Revocation or rescission of plan; home rule alternative
Section 9. At any time after four years following the date of an election at which any of the plans provided in this chapter has been adopted by the voters, a question to revoke or to rescind such acceptance may be submitted to the voters in the same manner as provided in sections four to seven, inclusive. Such question shall be in the following form: “Shall the (city/town of ) revoke its adoption of the optional form of municipal administration summarized as follows?” The text of the summary from the applicable section shall follow.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the first paragraph of this section, any city or town which has adopted any of the optional plans of municipal administration which are provided for in this chapter may make some other provision for municipal administration under procedures made available in chapter forty-three B, at any time, and so far as such provisions may be inconsistent with the provisions of any optional plan in this chapter, the provisions of the charter or charter amendment adopted pursuant to the provisions of said chapter forty-three B shall be deemed to prevail and to supercede the provisions of this chapter.