- Section 1 Definitions
- Section 2 Authorization to adopt a plan of government
- Section 3 Effect of chapter on legislative powers of cities
- Section 4 Effect of adoption of governmental plan on ordinances, etc.
- Section 5 Existing organization to continue until superseded
- Section 6 Wards, number and boundaries to continue until changed under law
- Section 7 Adoption of plan; filing of petition calling for vote
- Section 8 Adoption of plan; form of petition
- Section 9 Plan A, B, C, D or E; proceeding after filing of petition; submission to electorate
- Section 9A Repealed, 1961, 146, Sec. 2
- Section 9B Plan F; proceeding after filing of petition; submission to electorate
- Section 10 Number of plans considered at election; procedure on subsequent petitions
- Section 11 Majority vote required for adoption of plan; effect of adoption; election of officers
- Section 12 Petition for other plans after unfavorable election
- Section 13 Duration of plan adopted
- Section 14 Officials to expedite transition to adopted plan
- Section 15 Dates of elections under adopted plan; municipal year defined
- Section 16 Primaries and caucuses prohibited
- Section 16A Plan F; primaries and caucuses
- Section 17 Oath of office; time of taking
- Section 17A Salaries of mayor, city manager and council
- Section 17B Compensation of mayor and city council
- Section 17C Four-year term for mayors in certain cities; acceptance by election; application of section
- Section 17D Two-year term for mayors in cities under Sec. 17C; acceptance by election
- Section 18 City council; powers and duties
- Section 19 Duties of mayor or city manager; attendance at council meetings; disclosure of information
- Section 20 Passage of ordinances
- Section 21 Amendments and repeals of ordinances
- Section 22 Ordinances, etc.; passage at one session
- Section 23 Ordinances; publication
- Section 24 Adoption of plan; effect on obligations, taxes and legal acts
- Section 25 Employees in mayor’s office not subject to civil service
- Section 26 Vacancies in office of mayor or city council; acting mayor
- Section 27 Interest in public contracts by public employees prohibited; penalty
- Section 28, 28A Repealed, 1984, 484, Sec. 42
- Section 29 Public contracts; form; required approvals; bond, etc.
- Section 30 Purchase or taking of land
- Section 31 School committee; membership; tenure
- Section 32 Superintendent of schools; election; appointment of other school employees.
- Section 33 School committee; powers and duties
- Section 34 Location and erection of schools; approvals required
- Section 35 Open and public meetings; yea and nay vote
- Section 36 School committee; filling vacancies
- Section 37 Initiative petition; measure defined
- Section 38 Initiative petitions; validity of signatures; objections
- Section 39 Initiative petition; passage and submission to electorate
- Section 40 Proceedings if initiative petition not properly signed
- Section 41 Contents of ballot for proposed measure
- Section 42 Referendum petition; effect on final passage
- Section 43 Submission of proposed measure to voters
- Section 44 Measures with conflicting provisions
- Section 44A Preliminary elections; contents of notices
- Section 44B Inclusion of name on ballot; prerequisites
- Section 44C Candidates for nomination; qualifications; statement and petition
- Section 44D Official ballot; posting lists of candidates; drawing for position on ballot
- Section 44E Counting ballots; canvass of returns
- Section 44F Determination of candidates for election
- Section 44G Nomination of candidates; conditions making preliminary election unnecessary
- Section 44H Acceptance of sections dealing with preliminary elections; submission to electorate
- Section 45 Provisions applicable to adoption of any governmental plan
- Section 46 Plan A
- Section 47 Effective date of plan
- Section 48 Mayor as chief executive officer; term of office
- Section 49 Party designations on ballots prohibited
- Section 50 City council; number; election; tenure
- Section 50A City council; filling vacancies in
- Section 51 Repealed, 1952, 259, Sec. 3
- Section 52 Appointments of employees by mayor without confirmation
- Section 53 Certificate of appointment
- Section 54 Removal of officials; exceptions
- Section 55 Approval or veto by mayor of orders, ordinances, etc.; overriding veto
- Section 56 Plan B
- Section 57 Operative date of plan
- Section 58 Mayor as chief executive officer; election; tenure
- Section 59 City council; number; election; tenure
- Section 59A Vacancies in office of mayor and council; procedure for filling
- Section 60 Appointments by mayor subject to confirmation; exceptions
- Section 61 Removals
- Section 62 Repealed, 1952, 259, Sec. 3
- Section 63 Approval and veto offer of mayor
- Section 64 Plan C
- Section 65 Effective date of plan adopted
- Section 66 City council; powers and duties
- Section 67 Membership; duties of individual commissioners; tenure
- Section 68 Terms of office
- Section 69 Organization; oath of office
- Section 70 Meetings
- Section 71 Quorum; open and public meetings; duties of city clerk; method of voting
- Section 72 Powers and duties
- Section 73 Methods of action; itemization of appropriations
- Section 74 Mayor; status; powers and duties; acting mayor
- Section 75 Distribution of executive powers; determination of policies
- Section 76 Appointment and removal of department heads
- Section 77 Department records; publication of reports
- Section 78 Repealed, 1952, 259, Sec. 3
- Section 79 Plan D; effective date
- Section 80 Definitions
- Section 81 Management and control of city government by mayor and council
- Section 82 City council, membership; election; terms
- Section 83 City council; powers and duties; organization; oaths of office
- Section 84 Meetings of city council
- Section 85 City council; quorum; duties of city clerk; records; procedure
- Section 86 Mayor; powers and duties
- Section 87 Repealed, 1952, 259, Sec. 3
- Section 88 Vacancies
- Section 89 City manager; qualifications; tenure; compensation; removal
- Section 90 Powers and duties of city manager
- Section 91 City officers and employees
- Section 92 Interference with city manager by council forbidden; penalty
- Section 92A Solicitation of contributions for political parties, etc., by employees forbidden; penalty
- Section 93 Plan E; effective upon adoption
- Section 94 Definitions
- Section 95 Governing power of city council, etc.
- Section 96 City council; membership; tenure
- Section 97 City council; powers and duties; organization
- Section 98 Meetings of city council
- Section 99 Quorum; presiding officer; duties of city clerk; voting procedure
- Section 100 Mayor; official head of city; powers and duties; vice-chairman
- Section 101 Repealed, 1952, 259, Sec. 3
- Section 102 Vacancies in elective bodies
- Section 103 City manager; appointment; qualifications; compensation; removal
- Section 104 Powers, rights and duties of city manager
- Section 105 City officers and employees; appointments and removals
- Section 106 Officers and employees; regulations; penalty for violations
- Section 107 Interference with city manager by council forbidden; penalty
- Section 108 Solicitation of political contributions by employees; penalties
- Section 109 Regular municipal election; date
- Section 110 Candidates; statement and petition
- Section 111 Nomination papers
- Section 112 Ballots; form and contents
- Section 113 Preparing ballots, etc.; procedure
- Section 114 Counting of ballots; procedure
- Section 115 Repealed, 1972, 596, Sec. 1
- Section 116 General election laws; applicability
- Section 117 Plan F
- Section 118 Operative date
- Section 119 Mayor; election; term
- Section 120 Legislative powers; election and term of city council
- Section 121 Vacancies
- Section 122 Appointments
- Section 123 Certificate of appointment
- Section 124 Removal of heads of departments
- Section 125 Ordinances and resolutions; approval by mayor
- Section 126 Regular municipal election; date; nomination papers
- Section 127 General election laws; applicability
- Section 128 City defined
- Section 129 Referendum; questions submitted; petition
- Section 130 Election results; superseding of city charter provisions; election of organization members; commencement of term
- Section 131 Division of city into districts; time; ordinance; district description; redistricting
- Section 132 Failure of timely districting
- Section 133 Date of municipal elections; municipal year
- Section 134 Residence of district members