Section 60 Table of estimated appropriations
Section 60. The town accountant shall immediately upon the close of each calendar year compile statements in tabulated form showing the amounts appropriated and the amounts expended from each appropriation during the preceding fiscal year, the amounts appropriated for the current fiscal year and the amounts expended from such appropriations during the first six months of such year and the amounts estimated to be expended from such appropriations during the second six months of such year, and the estimates for the next ensuing fiscal year, and shall forthwith furnish a copy thereof to the selectmen, or to such committee as the town may appoint to consider and report on proposed appropriations. The selectmen, or said committee when so appointed, shall after due consideration designate the amounts which in their opinion should be appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, and shall accompany the same with such explanations and suggestions in relation thereto as they may deem desirable for the proper information of the inhabitants. The selectmen or, if such a committee has been appointed, the committee, shall print and distribute this document at or before the annual town meeting, and the town clerk shall transmit a copy thereof and of all town reports to the director of accounts.