Section 3 Tax increment revenue for financing development program
Section 3. (a) The city or town may retain all or part of the tax increment of an invested revenue district for the purpose of financing the development program. The amount of tax increment to be retained shall be determined by designating the amount of captured assessed value to be retained. When a development program for an invested revenue district is adopted, the city or town shall adopt a statement of the percentage of captured assessed value to be retained in accordance with the development program. The statement of percentage may establish a specific percentage or percentages or may describe a method or formula for determination of the percentage. The assessor shall certify the amount of the captured assessed value to the city or town each year.
(b) On or after the formation of an invested revenue district, the assessor of the city or town in which it is located shall, on request of the city or town, certify the original assessed value of the taxable property within the boundaries of the invested revenue district. Each year, after the formation of an invested revenue district, the assessor of the city or town shall certify the amount by which the assessed value has increased or decreased from the original value.
(c) If a city or town has elected to retain all or a percentage of the retained captured assessed value under subsection (a), the city or town shall:
(1) establish a development program fund that consists of: (i) a development sinking fund account that is pledged to and charged with the payment of the interest and principal as the interest and principal fall due and the necessary charges of paying interest and principal on any notes, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness that were issued to fund or refund the costs of the development program fund; and (ii) a project cost account that is pledged to and charged with the payment of project costs as outlined in the financial plan and paid in a manner other than as described in subclause (i).
(2) set aside annually all tax increment revenues on retained captured assessed values and deposit all such revenues in the appropriate development program fund account in the following priority:
(i) to the development sinking fund account, an amount sufficient, together with estimated future revenues to be deposited to the account and earnings on the amount, to satisfy all annual debt service on bonds and notes issued under section 4 and the financial plan; and
(ii) to the project cost account, an amount sufficient, together with estimated future revenues to be deposited to the account and earnings on the amount, to satisfy all annual project costs to be paid from the account;
(3) to be permitted to make transfers between development program fund accounts as required; provided, however, that the transfers shall not result in a balance in the development sinking fund account that is insufficient to cover the annual obligations of that account; and
(4) annually return to the general fund of the city or town any tax increment revenue in excess of those estimated to be required to satisfy the obligations of the development sinking fund account.