Section 3 Initiation of organization; contents of petition
Section 3. The organization of a BID shall be initiated by a petition of the property owners within the proposed BID which shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the municipality.
Such petition shall contain:
(1) the signatures of the owners of at least fifty-one percent of the assessed valuation of all real property within the proposed BID and sixty percent of the real property owners within the proposed BID;
(2) a description of and a site map delineating the boundaries of the proposed BID;
(3) the proposed improvement plan which shall set forth the supplemental services and programs, revitalization strategy, update mechanism, and budget and fee structures;
(4) the identity and location of the management entity designated to implement and oversee the ongoing improvement plan; and
(5) the criteria for waiving the fee for any property owner within the BID who can provide evidence that the imposition of such fee would create a significant financial hardship.
Such petition may include a mechanism for reimbursing the municipality for the costs incurred in establishing the BID, and for costs incurred in collecting the district fees.
A copy of said petition shall be filed with the director of housing and community development within thirty days of receipt of such petition by the clerk of the municipality.