Section 6D Massachusetts e-Health Institute; health information technology council; electronic health records plan; funding; annual report
Section 6D. (a) There shall be established an institute for health care innovation, technology and competitiveness, to be known as the Massachusetts e-Health Institute. The executive director of the corporation shall appoint a qualified individual to serve as the director of the institute, who shall be an employee of the corporation, report to the executive director and manage the affairs of the institute. The institute shall advance the dissemination of health information technology across the commonwealth, including the deployment of electronic health records systems in all health care provider settings that are networked through a statewide health information exchange.
(b) There shall be established a health information technology council within the corporation. The council shall advise the institute on the dissemination of health information technology across commonwealth, including the deployment of electronic health records systems in all health care provider settings that are networked through a statewide health information exchange.
The council shall consist of 9 members, as follows: 1 shall be the secretary of health and human services, who shall serve as the chair; 1 shall be the secretary of administration and finance, or a designee; 1 shall be the executive director of the health care quality and cost council; 1 shall be the director of the office of Medicaid; 5 shall be appointed by the governor, of whom at least 1 shall be an expert in health information technology, 1 shall be an expert in law and health policy, and 1 shall be an expert in health information privacy and security. The council may consult with such parties, public or private, as it deems desirable in exercising its duties under this section, including persons with expertise and experience the development and dissemination of electronic health records systems, and the implementation of electronic health record systems by small physician groups or ambulatory care providers, as well as persons representing organizations within the commonwealth interested in and affected by the development of networks and electronic health records systems, including, but not limited to, persons representing local public health agencies, licensed hospitals and other licensed facilities and providers, private purchasers, the medical and nursing professions, physicians, health insurers and health plans, the state quality improvement organization, academic and research institutions, consumer advisory organizations with expertise in health information technology and other stakeholders as identified by the secretary of health and human services. Appointive members of the council shall serve for terms of 2 years or until a successor is appointed. Members shall be eligible to be reappointed and shall serve without compensation.
The members of the council shall be deemed to be directors for purposes of the fourth paragraph of section 3. Chapter 268A shall apply to all council members except that the council may purchase from, sell to, borrow from, contract with or otherwise deal with any organization in which any council member is in anyway interested or involved; provided, however, that such interest or involvement shall be disclosed in advance to the council and recorded in the minutes of the proceedings of the council; and provided further, that no member shall be deemed to have violated section 4 of said chapter 268A because of his receipt of his usual and regular compensation from his employer during the time in which the member participates in the activities of the council.
(c) The institute, in consultation with the council, shall advance the dissemination of health information technology by: (i) facilitating the implementation and use of electronic health records systems by health care providers in order to improve health care delivery and coordination, reduce unwarranted treatment variation, eliminate wasteful paper-based processes, help facilitate chronic disease management initiatives and establish transparency; (ii) facilitating the creation and maintenance of a statewide interoperable electronic health records network that allows individual health care providers in all health care settings to exchange patient health information with other providers; and (iii) identifying and promoting an accelerated dissemination in the commonwealth of emerging health care technologies that have been developed and employed and that are expected to improve health care quality and lower health care costs, but that have not been widely implemented in the commonwealth.
(d) The institute director shall prepare and annually update a statewide electronic health records plan, and an annual update thereto. Each plan shall contain a budget for the application of funds from the E-Health Institute Fund for use in implementing each such plan. The institute director shall submit such plans and updates, and associated budgets, to the council for its approval. Each such plan and the associated budget shall be subject to approval of the board following action on it by the council.
Components of each such plan, as updated, shall be community-based implementation plans that assess a municipality’s or region’s readiness to implement and use electronic health record systems and an interoperable electronic health records network within the referral market for a defined patient population. Each such implementation plan shall address the development, implementation and dissemination of electronic health records systems among health care providers in the community or region, particularly providers, such as community health centers that serve underserved populations, including, but not limited to, racial, ethnic and linguistic minorities, uninsured persons, and areas with a high proportion of public payer care.
Each plan as updated shall: (i) allow seamless, secure electronic exchange of health information among health care providers, health plans and other authorized users; (ii) provide consumers with secure, electronic access to their own health information; (iii) meet all applicable federal and state privacy and security requirements, including requirements imposed by 45 C.F.R. §§ 160, 162 and 164; (iv) meet standards for interoperability adopted by the institute with the approval of the council; (v) give patients the option of allowing only designated health care providers to disseminate their individually identifiable information; (vi) provide public health reporting capability as required under state law; and (vii) allow reporting of health information other than identifiable patient health information for purposes of such activities as the secretary of health and human services may from time to time consider necessary.
(e) The corporation may contract with implementing organizations to: (i) facilitate a public-private partnership that includes representation from hospitals, physicians and other health care professionals, health insurers, employers and other health care purchasers, health data and service organizations, and consumer organizations; (ii) provide resources and support to recipients of grants awarded under subsection (f) to implement each program within the designated community pursuant to the implementation plan; (iii) certify and disburse funds to subcontractors, when necessary; (iv) provide technical assistance to facilitate successful practice redesign, adoption of electronic health records, and utilization of care management strategies; (v) ensure that electronic health records systems are fully interoperable and secure and that sensitive patient information is kept confidential by exclusively utilizing electronic health records products that are certified by the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology; and (vi) certify, with approval of the corporation and the council, a group of subcontractors who shall provide the necessary hardware and software for system implementation. Prior to the institute’s issuing requests for proposals for contracts to be entered into pursuant to this section, the institute’s director shall consult with the council with respect to the content of all such proposals. All contracts with implementing organizations entered into by the corporation must first be approved by the council.
(f) Funding for the institute and council’s activities shall be through the E-Health Institute Fund, established in section 6E. The institute, in consultation with the council, shall develop mechanisms for funding health information technology, including a grant program to assist health care providers with costs associated with health information technologies, including electronic health records systems, and coordinated with other electronic health records projects seeking federal reimbursement.
The institute shall consult with the office of Medicaid to maximize all opportunities to qualify any expenditures for federal financial participation. Applications for funding shall be in the form and manner determined by the institute director and the council, and shall include the information and assurances required by the institute director and the council. The institute director and the council may consider, as a condition for awarding grants, the grantee’s financial participation and any other factors it deems relevant.
All grants shall be recommended by the institute director and subsequently approved by both the executive director and the council. The institute director shall work with implementation organizations to oversee the grant-making process as it relates to an implementing organization’s responsibilities under its contract with the corporation. Each recipient of monies from this program shall: (i) capture and report certain quality improvement data, as determined by the institute in consultation with the health care quality and cost council; (ii) implement the system fully, including all clinical features, not later than the second year of the grant; and (iii) make use of the system’s full range of features.
(g) The council shall receive staff assistance from the corporation.
(h) The institute shall file an annual report, not later than January 30, with the joint committee on health care financing, the joint committee on economic development and emerging technologies, and the house and senate committees on ways and means concerning the activities of the council in general and, in particular, describing the progress to date in implementing a statewide electronic health records system and recommending such further legislative action as it deems appropriate.