Section 1 Health care security trust; claims against cigarette manufacturers
Section 1. There is hereby established upon the books of the commonwealth a trust to be known as the Health Care Security Trust upon which shall be impressed the purpose of financing improved health status for all citizens of the commonwealth. Said trust is hereby charged with managing and investing all monies generated by any claim or action undertaken by the attorney general against a manufacturer of cigarettes to recover the amount of medical assistance provided pursuant to chapter 118E or any other claim or action undertaken by the attorney general against a manufacturer of cigarettes including, but not limited to, the action known as Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Philip Morris, Inc., et al., Middlesex Superior Court, No. 95-7378, hereinafter known as the the tobacco action and funds generated from the assessment established pursuant to section 25 and 26 of chapter 118G, including all federal financial participation resulting from MassHealth expenditures funded by said assessment and interest thereon. The monies so managed and invested are hereby covenanted to generate earnings, and to be used as provided herein, for the exclusive purpose of funding health related services and programs, including, but not limited to, services and programs intended to control or reduce the use of tobacco in the commonwealth. For purposes of this chapter, the Tobacco Settlement Fund shall mean the fund established pursuant to section 2XX of chapter 29.