Section 43F1/2 Evaluation of potential for increasing energy efficiency

Section 43F1/2. The division of capital asset management and maintenance shall evaluate the potential for increasing the energy efficiency in each building owned by an authority or state agency, or leased by such authority or agency for at least a ten-year period. The division of capital asset management and maintenance shall report on its findings to the legislature by January first, nineteen hundred and ninety-three. Energy efficiency measures, as used in this section shall include, but not be limited to, heating, air-conditioning, lighting, water, and electric systems powered by coal, electricity, natural gas, oil. Where energy cost savings resulting from the implementation of energy saving improvements would exceed the cost of installing said improvements within one year of installing said improvements, the agencies and authorities shall install such improvements no later than July first, nineteen hundred and ninety-three.

The annual energy cost savings realized by each authority or agency shall be retained in that the authority or agency utility account and applied to additional energy efficiency measures in subsequent years.

Actions taken by the division of capital asset management and maintenance in accordance with provisions of this section shall be coordinated with ongoing energy conservation projects in state-owned or leased buildings. Buildings which have been scheduled for comprehensive energy conservation improvements before the effective date of this act may, upon approval of the commissioner of energy resources, be exempted from the provisions of this section. Utility programs offering energy auditing services shall be used whenever appropriate.

The term “authority” used in this section shall not include authorities of cities or towns, such as local housing projects.