Subtitle 2 - Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings
- Section 21-201 - Obedience to and required traffic control devices.
- Section 21-202 - Traffic lights with steady indication.
- Section 21-202.1 - Traffic control signal monitoring systems.
- Section 21-203 - Pedestrian control signals.
- Section 21-204 - Flashing signals.
- Section 21-204.1 - Lane direction control signals.
- Section 21-205 - Display of unauthorized signs, signals, or markings.
- Section 21-206 - Interference with traffic control devices or railroad signs and signals.
- Section 21-207 - Funeral processions.
- Section 21-208 - Erection of signs denoting height of overpasses.
- Section 21-209 - Requirements for vehicular traffic approaching highway exit ramp with nonfunctioning traffic control signal.