Section 9-234 - Vacant and underutilized commercial buildings.

§ 9-234. Vacant and underutilized commercial buildings.

(a)  Qualifications for credit.- The governing body of a county or municipal corporation may grant, by law, a property tax credit under this section against the county or municipal corporation property tax imposed on real property containing a vacant or underutilized commercial building that: 

(1) was built primarily for office, industrial, or other commercial purposes; 

(2) was last used for office, industrial, or other commercial purposes; and 

(3) is renovated for use primarily as housing. 

(b)  Establishment of conditions for grant of credit.- The governing body of a county or municipal corporation may establish conditions for the granting of a property tax credit under paragraph (1) of this subsection, including: 

(1) eligibility criteria; 

(2) application procedures; and 

(3) provisions for a payment in lieu of taxes to the county or municipal corporation by the recipient of the tax credit. 

[1999, ch. 351.]