Subtitle 2 - Exemptions
- Section 11-201 - Agricultural purposes and products.
- Section 11-201.1 - Sale of tangible personal property through bulk vending machine.
- Section 11-202 - Cylinder demurrage charge.
- Section 11-203 - [Repealed].
- Section 11-204 - Exempt charitable or nonprofit sales [Amendment subject to abrogation].
- Section 11-205 - Flags.
- Section 11-206 - Food.
- Section 11-207 - Fuel.
- Section 11-208 - Interstate or foreign commerce or use in another state.
- Section 11-209 - Casual and isolated sale; distribution or transfer of tangible personal property.
- Section 11-210 - Machinery and equipment.
- Section 11-211 - Medicine and medical supplies; medical records; health and physical aids; hygienic aids.
- Section 11-212 - Mining purpose.
- Section 11-213 - Mobile homes.
- Section 11-214 - Nonresident property.
- Section 11-214.1 - Precious metal bullion and coins.
- Section 11-215 - Printing use and publications.
- Section 11-216 - Property for use in another state.
- Section 11-217 - Research and development purpose.
- Section 11-218 - Seafood harvesting purposes.
- Section 11-219 - Services.
- Section 11-220 - State or political subdivision.
- Section 11-221 - Taxation by other law.
- Section 11-222 - Testing equipment.
- Section 11-223 - Transportation services.
- Section 11-224 - Water.
- Section 11-225 - Computer programs.
- Section 11-226 - Appliances meeting certain efficiency requirements.
- Section 11-227 - Property or service used directly in film production activity.
- Section 11-228 - Tax-free period.
- Section 11-229 - Sale of electricity, fuel, etc.
- Section 11-230 - Sale of geothermal equipment or solar energy equipment.
- Section 11-231 - Lodging at corporate training center.